
Bosvelt tekent twee-jarig contract

Verslaggever: K

Paul Bosvelt heeft vanmiddag een tweejarig contract getekend bij manchester City. Hij verliep met goed gevolg de medische keuring bij de Britse club. Kevin Keegan was lyrisch over zijn nieuwste aanwinst. "I am so excited and pleased for everyone. He will be a big asset to this club and I am as thrilled about this signing as any I have made. He is the type of player who you want in your squad. At thirty-three he is excited about the move, about playing in the new stadium and in the Premiership. He is not here for a final pay day. We heard a fortnight ago that he would be available. I could not believe my luck. So we got on with securing the deal quietly. And I am now delighted it is all complete."

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