
'Interesse Inter in Viduka en Emerton'

25 juni 2001 22:26

Verslaggever: RvN

Australische media melden vandaag dat Inter interesse zou hebben in de Australiers Viduka en Emerton. Emerton's manager Simon Konstantinidis wilde echter niet ingaan op de zoveelste geruchten rond Emerton. "It's true there are a lot of clubs interested in Brett, and that is understandable. However, the fact of the matter is that Brett has another three years to go on his contract with Feyenoord. That's why we are referring all offers and expressions of interests back to Feyenoord. It is up to them to decide what they want to do."

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emerton inter viduka brett another australiers australische decide expressions fact has however interested interests konstantinidis lot matter offers referring simon there true understandable what years

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